Wednesday, April 29, 2009

My Life as a Procrastination-aholic

Hello world of blogging, procrastination brings me to your doorstep again.
I hate statistics, & as much as I know I should just get this over with I would rather sit here in the library and mess with various aspects of my online internet life.
Right now I am listening to the Tennessee Shines show on WDVX. Martha Scanlan is playing and now Jim Lauderdale is talking in my ear.
This is actually the first of the so far 9 TN Shines shows that I have not attended. That is besides the January show ( I think) because that time I held down the board at the station & listened to the show the whole time/did the on-air stuff during intermission & such.
Speaking of Shines shows-the picture up top is Ben Sollee of the Sparrow Quartet during his solo performance at TN Shines. He is extremely talented and definitely won over Knoxville's heart this night. It noticed afterward it was like crazy mad dash for his CD at Disc Exchange & everyone kept ordering it. Under Ben is Carrie Rodriguez, who is a pretty dang talented rockin' chick herself.
Anyway, I guess I may try to study now. We'll see what else I end up posting tonight.

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